Monday, November 19, 2007

Election Time

The polls will not be open for me [what about the poles, though?] next month because I live in the county and not in the City of Tucson. So, I am turning my thoughts toward 2008. I have the Bush Count Down Meter on my FaceBook, ticking away the nano-seconds. I have been listening to candidates. All of them. I’m leaning toward Hillary. She has some interesting thoughts about our lack of health care that is nearly as scandalous to other developed nations as our use of capitol punishment. Obama lacks experience and has been too busy bad mouthing his own party’s other candidates. John-Boy has a sick wife. Bill Richardwho? Why is Biden wasting money? Did Kucinich ever stop running in 2004? [long enough to get married, apparently. Still doesn’t make him any taller] Now, in the worst case scenario [if a Republican does get elected, who would I mind the least?] that AZ senator is out, Mitt is too Morman perfect familywifewiththeblondhair and why are none of his kids serving in the Armed Forces? [Oh! that’s right. They’re rich. They don’t have to risk their lives to pay for college, or even pay the rent] Ron Paul wants to bring the troops home, but then what? Mike Huckabee is a Baptist minister, so presumably if he is elected the Nation will be in the hands of the Southern Baptist Convention. Fred Thompson is a closet church of Christ member, so should I be campaigning for him? Send my yellow dog to the pound? Naw. Don’t think so.

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