Sunday, April 20, 2008

I have had a complaint from my reader that I have not been writing on my blog. Maybe it's because I have been sick. Maybe it's been all the writing I have to do for my courses. I don't know. Just haven't had a lot of time.

Zoe, my baby, came home from 9 months living in Firenze [Florence], Italy. She had a very good time and is currently trying to figure out how to get back. We're just enjoying having her home. Although, I wish she would not try to drive my car like it's a Ferrari.

I had friends over Friday night to crop. We cropped indeed. I got quite a few pages done. I am hopeful that I will finish volume 3 of our trip to SE Asia this summer. Also, it was just fun to hang out with my friends. Zoe made an Italian meal for us. It was very good. Carrie came over Saturday for dinner and more cropping.

Now for the final push for the end of the semester.

1 comment:

C D said...

Your reader is pleased.
